New Korean Words

September 14, 2023

Tags: Korean

I think it may be beneficial for me to compile a list of words and things that I learn about the language. It will likely be unorganized, and that’s okay. For now I just want to put it somewhere and here looks like a fun place.

Korean Word Meaning Eg. Sentence Sentence Translation
자다 to sleep 저는 잤어요. I fell asleep.
주무다 to sleep (hon.) 아버지, 언녕히 주무세요. Sleep well, father.
I (hum.)
아저씨 Mister
아주마 Ma’am
놀다 To have fun, to play
격주마다 Every two weeks
선형대수학 Linear Algebra
벌써 already
작년부터 since last year
유학생 international student
이쪽 this/(the person on )this side
시차 time difference 그럼, 아직 시차 적응도 못 했겠네요. So you haven’t adjusted to the time difference yet, right?
적응도 adapt(ability)/adjust 그럼, 아직 시차 적응도 못 했겠네요. So you haven’t adjusted to the time difference yet, right?
돈움 help 돈움이 필요하면… If you need any help…

Quoted from this:


You may also hear 그쪽 when someone is addressed. 그쪽 is used in place of 당신 (because 당신 is avoided in spoken Korean as explained above). 그쪽 literally means “that side.” 그쪽 is not used frequently at all. It’s used between people who share a similar position or status in society, and have just met and are not sure how to address the other person. e.g.

  • Person A: 점심 드셨어요? (Have you had lunch?)
  • Person B: 아뇨. 아직이요. 그쪽은요? (No, not yet, what about you?)


My immediate reaction is to think of this usage as “What about on your end?” – “그쪽은요?”