김밥과 야구 (Kimbab and Korean Baseball)

May 25, 2024

Tags: Blog, Korean

Kimbab Debacle

I woke up early still jetlagged, so I walked around near Seoul station in search of 김밥 (kimbab) street food to no avail. I settled for the convinience store 삼각김밥 (triangle kimbab) and it took me 3 tries to get it right. The first two tries were quite funny:

  1. I completely messed up the wrapper and separated the seaweed from the rice. As I sat on a stair on the street eating my kimbab, an old man told me that I shouldn’t eat it cold. (I was really confused as to what he was telling until I recognized the word 따뜻하다 (warm), at which point I started understanding what he was saying)
  2. Determined to get it right, I went to another store, bought another, and asked him how to prepare it. He showed me, but this time the 김 (seaweed) tore. Finally, I went back to my hostel and watched a quick youtube video. When I bought my third one, I got it right.

The following photo I took around the same time is otherwise unrelated, but cool. Seoul Photo 7

Bukcheon Hanok Village and Myeongdong street

After this adventure, I went to the 북천한억마을 (Bukcheon Hanok Village) and 명동로 (Myeongdong street) to take some photos. Seoul Photo 8 Seoul Photo 9

Korean Baseball

Finally, I went to a Korean baseball game at 잠실경기장 (Jamsil Baseball Stadium) with a friend I met on the plane ride over here. Lots of street food, and a very lively experience. Seoul Photo 10 Seoul Photo 11 Seoul Photo 12