경복궁 (Gyeongbokgung Palace)

May 24, 2024

Tags: Blog, Korean

Yesterday I arrived at 인천 (Incheon) International Airport, got to my hotel, and crashed.

Jetlagged, at 4AM I walked around and took photos near my hotel. Then, I took the AIREX train into Seoul, where I got a full meal for only 9000KRW (~6.5 USD), dropped my bag off at my hostel, and headed for 경복궁, Gyeongbokgung Palace. Seoul Photo 1 Seoul Photo 2 Seoul Photo 3 Seoul Photo 4 Seoul Photo 5 Seoul Photo 6

Overall Review

The palace was super cool, and I think 3 hours is the perfect amount of time to see the whole palace grounds. I spent 15000KRW on the hanbok rental (admission is 3000KRW, but free if you wear a hanbok, so it offsets the cost slightly). You can probably find a cheaper rental if you look in advance. When you go to eat, you can find more authentic (and cheaper) food outside of the tourist center surrounding the palace.